Jan. 2013
A mid-day rest is said to relax the mind, allowing one to absorb new concepts and more easily retain memories.
But is resting as important for meat, as it is for your mind?
According to conventional wisdom, after grilling a steak or baking a roast, we are sternly admonished to "let it rest" under a foil tent. Supposedly, this five, or ten, or twenty minute "nap" allows the meat to reabsorb juices that might otherwise ooze out and be wasted. Certainly, the cutting board is often a "bloody1 mess" after slicing- wouldn't it be nice if a simple "time-out" was the solution?
But how much liquid actually oozes out, and why? Even a review of the scientific literature reveals there is no broad consensus on the details. Unlike a rose, a meat is not a meat is not a meat. The moisture's fate depends on the breed, the feed, how it was slaughtered, whether the meat was frozen or injected or mechanically
tenderized, aging, salting, the fat cap, and on and on. The hallmark of
science is reproducibility, but in food science, mere concordance in closer
to the norm.
Surprisingly, most meat is around 70% water. Some of this moisture is in the form of water chemically and mechanically stored between the cells (myowater). Some of the moisture is in the form of myoglobin stored within the cells, while still other water molecules are embedded deep within complex proteins and polymers.
And juice is only one measure of a perfect "bite". Tenderness, which is more a consequence of marbling, enzymatic dissection of muscle proteins, and gelatinizing collagen depends only slightly on juice content2. Some people enjoy the flavor of a hot steak, particularly the crispy bark that sogs out if rested. Others prefer the softer, more relaxed texture of slightly rested meat. But juice is the surrogate that is most visible on the plate, and the one that invites the most controversy.
No one said this would be easy.
Myoglobin is mostly stored within the cells, and not released until the cell walls start to break down (although a bit oozes into the the intercellular spaces, to join with the myowater that is loosely bound). But even the concept of "loosely bound juices" is a convenience. There are a continuum of forces holding water molecules inside meat- some weak enough to be dislodge with gentle thumb pressure, others requiring the heat of cooking, and still others, near charring flames.
Then there are the massive changes induced with temperature. The first "sweat" occurs with very loosely contained water oozing out through relatively wide channels in the meat. As the heat increases, more tightly bound water is freed, but this water must diffuse from the meat's center to the surface to evaporate, which takes time. Then, around 135-145F, the
collagen web which holds the muscle fibers together begins to shrink before finally softening into gelatin. This "collagen corset" squeezes on the muscle fibers, wringing out additional liquid- some myowater, some myoglobin from burst cells. Which is why a temperature probe inserted in this range appears to have struck an artesian well.
In a thick roast cooked at high temperatures, the top 1/8" of the roast might reach 200F or higher and almost desiccate, while the interior is still raw. Yet a St. Louis rib cooked low and slow might be at the same temperature from bark to bone. So the moisture profile is grossly non-uniform.
At higher temps still, more cells break, enzymes complete their digestion of proteins, and more myoglobin mixes in.
Some of these processes are irreversible (e.g. burst cells walls, or denaturing of proteins), while others allow for a bit of re-adsorption as the meat cools (e.g. surface tension and capillary sponge effects). But in general, when the juices are freed, they remain at large.
A good analogy is to imagine a pile of coals soaked with gasoline. When you first light the coals, the surface gasoline burns (e.g. the drip and loose myowater easily emerges). As the temperature rises, gasoline absorbed by the coals diffuse out of the coal "sponge" and burns, but the coals stubbornly refuse to ignite. Finally, the coals themselves begin to crack open, dry out, burn and release their own heat.
Burning the moisture out of meat is nearly as complex as the mastery of fire.
So let's get started. As a first test, we grilled two 13 oz (395 gm) rib eyes, each 1½" thick. The best way to cook a steak is to limit the time spent over the highest heat. While its true a roaring flame produces a brown and flavorful crust, the high temperatures also overcook the outermost steak layer while waiting for the inside temperature to catch up with the surface. Resulting in a thick gray band surrounding a pink center.
So, chefs are increasingly turning to a two-step cooking process. One step holds the meat at a low temp (225F in this case), for the temperatures to equilibrate throughout. The second high-temperature step produces the crust.
We chose to warm the meat first and finish on the grill- the so-called "reverse sear"3. After salting the meat (¼ tsp/lb), each steak was placed in a low (225F) oven. Because they were so thick, it took almost an hour for the inserted thermocouple to reach 110F. After an hour's warming, the meat lost around 10-15 gms of weight- almost exclusively in evaporated moisture.
You can see how the steak darkened a bit and the surface dried off during this first pre-cooking step. Then, I seared the steak on a very hot gas grill4- it took just 7-8 minutes to brown the meat and for the interior to reach 125F (a nice rare).

The high temperature searing also extracted moisture-
Not Rested |
Rested |
Post 110F warming stage (initial loss) |
12 gms |
15 gms |
Post 125 F grill (add'tl loss) |
35 gms |
38 gms |
Total cooking weight loss |
47 gms (12%) |
53 gm (13%) |
I immediately sliced the steak into narrow strips. This quickly cooled the meat, locking in the rare color and exuding a deep-red, low viscosity juice. Since people almost never devour a 13 oz steak in seconds (plus it takes time to set and serve at the table), I measured the amount of juices exuded five minutes after slicing- by sopping up the liquid with a paper towel, and gently patting off the ¼" meat slices. This is the "Not Rested" experiment.
By comparison, I left the "Rested" steak sit on the cutting board until the internal temperature dropped to 115F. Five minutes into the resting period (but before slicing) some light brown juices emerged. Around 9 gms.
Because of "carry over" (that is, the very hot surface crust continuing to heat and cook the interior even when off the grill), the temperature rose to 143F during the resting period. After 30 minutes resting (it was, after all, a thick steak), the meat finally dropped to 115F. I then sliced the steak, waited two minutes for any juices to appear, and lightly patted the board and slices dry with a paper towel. These juices were a bit thicker than seen with the unrested meat, and tended to adhere to the outside of each slice.

You can see the difference in color between the rested and not-rested meats and their juices- the additional carry-over cooking time converted a rare cut to medium/rare.

You might expect resting to "absorb" juices back into the meat, although the data says otherwise6. Unrested, the juices flow out almost immediately. Rested, only after slicing do most of the juices emerge. It appears the cut surface releases juices from about 1/4" back into the muscle:
125 F Reverse Seared Steaks |
Not Rested |
Rested |
Initial exuded juices, uncut |
10 gms |
9 gms |
Juices on board after slicing and waiting 5 mins |
14 gms |
9 gms |
Juices clinging to slices |
3 gms |
5 gms |
Total Juice Loss |
27 gms |
23 gms |
Within experimental variations (and consistent in two repeated tests), a dead-heat. In a thinner steak, there is absolutely no difference between resting and eating the steak roaring hot.
But what about in a thicker roast? And one cooked at higher temperatures, where collagen shrinkage might play a role?
In a series of tests I measured the juice loss in 1 kg (2.2 lb, 6"x4"x3") pork loins, roasted in a 400F kitchen oven5. These cuts have very little fat and are very uniform in cross-section, so any weight loss is due to moisture loss. As before, the meat was salted for a few hours before roasting, with 1/3 tsp sea-salt/lb.
The first thing you notice (not too surprisingly), is the longer you cook meat, the drier it becomes. These temperatures are measured in the center of the roast immediately after cooking- they rise 5F higher after resting7.
Pork Loin Cooked at 400F |
Weight Loss |
% Loss |
125F |
100 gms |
10% |
130F |
140 gms |
14% |
135F |
180 gms |
18% |
140F |
200 gms |
20% |
A clear reason to eat roasts and steaks rare or medium rare...
Around 135F, moisture loss accelerates as the collagen shrinks. This effect is particularly visible if you carefully measure the exuded juices. After cooking two roasts to 125F, slicing one 3 minutes after cooking, and letting the other rest for 25 minutes before dividing in 3/8" slabs, we see very little difference in the final results:
125F Cooked Pork Loin |
Not Rested |
Rested 20 mins |
Initial exuded juices (first 3 mins) |
0 gms |
18 gms |
Juices on board after slicing and waiting 5 mins |
67 gms |
43 gms |
Juices clinging to slices |
11 gms |
12 gms |
Total Juices |
78 gms |
73 gms |
I then repeated the same experiment at 140F:
140F Cooked Pork Loin |
Not Rested |
Rested 20 mins |
Initial exuded juices (first 3 mins) |
0 |
20 gms |
Juices on board after slicing and waiting 5 mins |
76 gms |
38 gms |
Juices clinging to slices |
15 gms |
6 gms |
Total Juices |
91 gms |
64 gms |
Now we detect a real difference between resting and not resting- about a third more juices are squeezed out by the collagen shrinkage at higher temps. Which is significant, except some of these juices are easily reabsorbed if you don't strand them on the cutting board. I took all 91 gms of not-rested juices, drizzled them over the meat, waited five minutes, then re-measured the amount of juices on the cutting board. Around 62 gms. About the same as resting.
In other words, some of the exuded juices arose from irreversible changes in the meat structure or irreversible chemical reactions. These are lost to the roast, whether rested or not. Other juice fractions were held in by capillary action and weak bonds- these can be reabsorbed.
And here's an interesting side note- the resting meat is also steaming hot, evaporating moisture quickly at first and more slowly as it cools off. In addition to the 64 gms of exuded juices, the meat evaporated an additional 13 gms into the open air, and nearly 20 gms when tented, over the 20 minute rest period. This is moisture the not-rested loin retains, because slicing cools the meat so rapidly.
So its a tie. Besides, in the real world meat is always consumed somewhere between these two extremes. Its takes (or should take, if you remember to chew each bite 10 times like your mom taught) a half-hour to eat a steak, which means the last bite is fully rested, even if you started slicing the first off on the grill.
The more important task to is utilize these juices, no matter when they appear. For the non-rested meat, you can always create a "board dressing", simply by adding some chopped herbs, butter, and even a reduced sauce to the board juices, toss the dressing over the slices, and serve. Amazing flavor.
Or, if you rest the steak before eating, serve each person an individual portion and let them carve so the juices emerge on the dinner plate or adhere to the meat. Just make sure your guest can sop up the liquids with bread or rice.
Finally, if you "cut" large hunks of meat out with your teeth7, let the juices leak into your mouth. Mix with beer and enjoy.
Not salting meat a half hour before grilling is a crime against nature- it adds flavor and nearly doubles the retained juices. Not resting the meat before slicing is a choice that barely affects the tenderness or juiciness of your meal- feel free to be creative.
In summary-
- Roughly speaking, comparable amounts of moisture evacuate during cooking as dribble out after slicing.
- If the final temperature is below 130F, collagen barely shrinks and there is no difference between resting and not resting.
- If the final temperature is above 145F, the rested meat will exude more juices than the non-rested, but..
- Resting meat merely shifts when and where the juices are exuded- the total loss is about the same if you allow the juices to be reabsorbed.
- Thicker meats benefit slightly from resting- mostly by making them easier to slice and resulting in a more uniformly cooked roast. But remember the thicker the meat, the more "carry-over", so adjust the cooking temperatures accordingly.
- Don't waste the juices! Incorporate them into a sauce or sop them up on the plate.