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smoke is the language of fire
  • Barbecue is all about the smoke. Without the smoke, you might as well be grilling.

    May 2014

    COMING SOON- more details on how the color of smoke indicates combustion conditions, and the ultimate flavor

    Although smoke particles are too small to see with the naked eye, the smoke's color provides a rough dimensional guide. Pale blue smoke particles are the smallest- under a micron, and around the size of the wavelength of light. Though a mechanism called the "Tyndall Effect", red light passes through this halo of small particles, while blue light is scattered sideways to our eyes. On the other hand, pure white smoke consists of particles of a few microns in size that scatter all wavelengths in all directions, while gray smoke contains particles large enough to actually absorb some of the light and colors.

    Different smokers produce a characteristic ratio of large and small particles, creosote and other chemicals. As will different species of wood. Pellet smokers are particularly efficient wood burners, producing modest levels of creosote, light blue or pale white smoke, and very tiny particles. Electric cabinet smokers produce more creosote and mid-sized particles.



    Contact Greg Blonder by email here - Modified Genuine Ideas, LLC.